
Join me on my learning journey as I collate my thoughts and document things that interest me. You’ll find subjects from interaction design to service design, product management to the business of design and management, and much more.

The importance of prioritising accessibility features

I cannot overstate the importance of accessibility features in design. They play a crucial role in ensuring everyone can effectively engage with products, environments, and technologies regardless of their abilities.

Ways to make design inclusive

Inclusive design aims to create products, environments, and experiences accessible and usable by the widest range of people, including those with disabilities.

Weaving ethics into the design process

Ethical design isn’t just about creating a feel-good product; it’s about building a foundation of trust and positive impact. But how do you translate principles into action?

Ethical design principles

In today’s digital age, the things we interact with daily have a powerful impact on our lives and the world around us.

What have we already tried?

“What have we already tried?” is a powerful question that can lead to a more efficient and effective product development process. By focusing on outcomes, uncovering bottlenecks, and learning from mistakes, teams can make informed decisions and build better products.

The Funnel Experiment by W. Edwards Deming

The Funnel Experiment, devised by W. Edwards Deming, is a thought experiment we can use to illustrate the dangers of tampering with a process without understanding the underlying causes of variation.

The neglected leadership role is the designer

“The neglected leadership role is the designer of the ship. No one has a more sweeping influence than the designer. What good does it do for the captain to say, ‘Turn starboard thirty degrees,’ when the designer has built a rudder that will turn only to port or which takes six hours to turn to starboard? It’s fruitless to be the leader in an organisation that is poorly designed. Isn’t it interesting that so few managers think of the ship’s designer when they think of the leader’s role?”—Peter M. Senge

Perfection is impossible

Roger Federer’s commencement speech at Dartmouth emphasises the importance of resilience, acceptance of imperfection, and maintaining focus on the present moment.

Work hard on things you like the most

“Fall in love with some activity, and do it! Nobody ever figures out what life is all about, and it doesn’t matter. Explore the world.

What matters more, an idea or its execution?

They both matter a great deal but in different ways. It’s more like a question of which comes first: the chicken or the egg? An idea without execution is just a thought experiment, while poor execution can squander a brilliant concept.

Design is more than aesthetics

Everyone in an organisation should know what design can do for their business—creating product value—but most people would say it’s to make things look pretty or easier to use.

Learning to ask smart questions

Unlike lawyers, doctors, and psychologists, who receive extensive training in questioning techniques, designers must learn this skill while practising their craft.

What role does data play in a UX team’s decision-making?

Data is not just a tool but a powerful asset in a user experience (UX) team’s decision-making arsenal. It’s not just about numbers and charts but about understanding your users more deeply. By providing insights into user behaviour and preferences, data empowers designers to create user-centric experiences that are both functional and enjoyable.

The power of design critiques

Design critiques are a double-edged sword. They’re incredibly valuable for improving designs (think more robust products, services, etc.) but can also feel unpleasant.

The power of the invisible and non-human in service design

Creating genuinely successful services goes beyond just focusing on the human user. A core service design principle acknowledges the invisible and non-human elements contributing to a well-rounded and sustainable experience.

Designers need to think more like ecologists

The idea of designers thinking like ecologists encourages a more holistic, sustainable, and user-centred approach to design. It’s not a replacement for existing design principles but a way to broaden a designer’s perspective.

A designer’s role is not “at the table”

The idea that a designer’s role isn’t “at the table” is a recent counterargument to the traditional view that designers must fight for a seat at the decision-making table.

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