What would augment reality? From a series of tweets by Luke Wroblewski

The technology industry is buzzing about Augmented Reality (AR) applications and hardware. In a series of illustrations titled “what would augment reality?” Luke Wroblewski attempts to answer “what value would exceed the pain of charging and wearing augmented reality headsets each day?” and “Are there enough compelling use cases to make AR a daily necessity?”.

For each illustration, Luke assumed audio input control and gaze path/eye-tracking for object identification. With these assumptions, he applied the principle of maximum information yet minimum obstruction (MIMO) to the user interface design.

Luke’s high-level goal was to ‘augment’ reality: give people abilities they wouldn’t otherwise have through the inclusion of digital information and actions in the physical world.

Figure 1: Explain the meaning of a symbol

Original tweet

Figure 2: Show the route to the bathroom

Original tweet

Figure 3: Show how your speed compares to the road’s speed limit

Original tweet

Figure 4: Solve a maths problem

Original tweet

Figure 5: Identify a plant or animal in the wild

Original tweet

Figure 6: Measure the dimensions of an object

Original tweet

Figure 7: Convert currencies and units of measurement

Original tweet

Figure 8: Check what other people think of a product on sale

Original tweet

Figure 9: Check the price of a product, for example petrol at a petrol station

Original tweet

Figure 10: Check the calories contained in food and drink and map it to what you need to do to keep your weight under control

Original tweet

Figure 11: Listen to tracks on an album you’ve picked up at the local record store

Original tweet

Figure 12: Compare the quality of something like wine

Original tweet

Figure 13: Add a reminder to your calendar for an event you’re interested in

Original tweet

Figure 14: Add items to your shopping list or online basket

Original tweet

Figure 15: Calculate a restaurant tip

Original tweet

Figure 16: Identify an object such as a plane flying overhead

Original tweet

Using object recognition and recording.

Figure 17: Find where you left your keys

Original tweet

Figure 18: Enhance small print to make it readable

Original tweet

Figure 19: Replay what just happened

Original tweet

What would you add to Luke’s list? It would be great to hear from you. Please send me your thoughts.

Updated on: 21 April 2021

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